A Closer Look at Tobacco Cessation Counseling for Colorado Pharmacists

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The statewide protocol permitting Colorado pharmacists to engage with their customers on smoking cessation goals are relatively new an, outside the required online course, very little educational work has been applied to training pharmacists how to perform tobacco cessation counseling. The protocol points the pharmacists to the seminal text Treating Tobacco Dependence, 2008 update, but this text is sparse on practical knowledge itself. Moreover, we know that even while screening for tobacco use is high in Colorado primary care offices, the provision of counseling is very low despite decades of engaging PCPs in this important work. While we don't yet have data measuring the provision of counseling, given the newness of the permission, the lack of practical training on the topic, and the overall difficulties inherent in counseling, one can suppose the need exists.

The University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education (CPE).  This event has been accredited for up to 1.0 contact hours of knowledge-based home study CPE.


Release Date 12/21/2022

Expiration Date 12/21/2025

Discount available for group registration. Contact [email protected]


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